We formed in 1998, officially, with the goal of exploring our Native American heritage and to assist our youth and elderly. Our main goal is to teach our children of our Father and his Son Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Tribal Council Decision 3-13-2022 - YES
Support for H.R. 2758 Lumbee Recognition Act;
The Ridgetop Shawnee Tribe of Indians show support for H.R. 2758 Lumbee Recognition Act.
"This bill extends federal recognition to the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina and makes its members eligible for the services and benefits provided to members of federally recognized tribes."
We encourage members to write to our United States Senators, Mitch McConnell R-KY and Rand Paul R-KY and encourage them to show support for this legislation when it is introduced into the United States Senate.
The decision to support or not support Formal State Recognition in Kentucky was a simple one among the Ridgetop Shawnee Tribal Council, no to formal state tribal recognition in Kentucky. It may surprise many who may read this that a state tribe would be against formal state recognition. The Ridgetop Shawnee Tribe of Indians ARE NOT a "formal" state recognized tribe. We are "recognized" by the Kentucky State House of the Kentucky General Assembly. That's good enough for us, it gave us what we desired, true historical credibility.
Formal State Recognition is a very technical term that must be satisfied by certain criteria such as:
So at this time: The Ridgetop Shawnee Tribe of Indians, nor any of her delegates, will NOT support, and or lobby for, any type of legislation that would create formal state tribal recognition UNLESS it met the criteria outlined above, which is likely NEVER to happen in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Furthermore: The Ridgetop Shawnee Tribe of Indians will never support a streamlined process where the Kentucky Native American Heritage Commission would serve as the approval mechanism and or the governing body of this process. This was not and will never be the intended legislative purview of the KNAHC.
The Executive Tribal Manager has notified Senate President Robert Stivers of our position and at this time our position is resolved and our decision made.
NOTICE: We are huddling up with our attorney to see if anything could be, and should be, done about the leftist-activist takeover of our Wikipedia Page. As everyone knows in the unrecognized Tribal community Federal Tribes absolutely hate unrecognized tribal organizations and we're no exception to this foolish prejudice. So, members, or associate leftist activists, of the Absentee Shawnee Tribe have hijacked our Wikipedia Page. I have been in a pitched battle over the misinformation posted there by these activists, or associates, from that Tribe for over 4 years. I suspect these activists are involved with the site called FAKE INDIANS that also targeted the Ridgetop Shawnee Tribe of Indians with blatant lies (They seem to be idle at this time but we considered civil litigation against that Absentee Shawnee Tribal activist as well)
Wikipedia is pure leftist propaganda and it should never be used as the primary source for any topic without first confirming the information posted there. Use this idiotic situation as the prime example of what can happen if you run afoul of these leftist activists that run Wikipedia.
Please visit this site as the primary source for the information regarding the Ridgetop Shawnee Tribe of Indians or visit our Facebook using this link. (HERE)