These are our Native American Ancestors and the founding families of the Ridgetop Shawnee. They called themselves different names like the Whitetop Laurel Band of Cherokee, but most tried to hide their Indian ancestry because of racial persecution. That's why they called themselves Melungeon, Black Irish, Black Dutch, it was dangerous to identify yourself as Native American in Appalachia during this time period but they still kept the traditions alive.
William Sizemore Some claim this is George Blackhawk Sizemore as well.. disputed)
Clay County, KY
Sister of Claiborne Rogers
Harlan County, Ky
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Silas Montgomery and Aggie Sizemore
Clay County, Ky
Sarah Lee
Daughter of David Lee and Lucy Noe
Harlan County, Ky
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Sarah Janes Fields
Granddaughter of Preston Fields
Harlan County, Ky
Sarah Fields
Daughter of William fields
Harlan County, Ky
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Matilda Chumley Harp
Whitley County, Ky
Sarah Sizemore
Daughter of Goldenhawk Sizemore
Clay County, Ky
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Russell Sizemore
Clay County, Ky
Rebbecca Pace Napier
Granddaughter of Sabra Fields
Harlan County, Ky
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Rebbecca Jane Ledford
Daughter of Aley Ledford Jr.
Harlan County, Ky
Rhoda (?) Daughtery
Lee County, VA
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Rachel Powers
Daughter of Jesse Powers
Whitley County, KY
Rachel Caudill
Harlan County, KY
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Ferebe Benton Vaughn
Eastern, TN
Nancy Bennett
Daughter of Edward Bennett
Whitley County, KY
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Nancy Bailey Kelly
Harlan County, KY
Matilda Simpson
Harlan County, KY
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Mary Jane Miracle
Harlan County, KY
Elizabeth Toler
Granddaughter of Sabra Fields